Resistance Challenges
At any time, a Character may choose to resist the impairment effect of a 💢Strain ⚕️Status.
This is a normal Challenge with the following differences:
Willpower Cost
Attempting this costs 1 🌠Willpower.
The 🧰Skill(s) used must be relevant to the 💢Strain ⚕️Status.
For example:
- 'Toughness' to resist the Impairment of a physical injury.
- 'Discipline' to resist the Impairment of stress.
The Challenge's Difficulty is equal to:
Base Difficulty + 💢Strain Amount
Usually Base Difficulty should be 3.
The Storyteller should use a different Base Difficulty if something inherent about the Character or its environment enforces a significantly higher or lower standard for the type of 💢Strain it is receiving.
For example, a highly-moral Character might have a Base Difficulty of 6 when receiving 💢Strain caused by guilt/remorse.
If the Challenge succeeds, remove the Impairment effect from the 💢Strain ⚕️Status. It's best to somehow differentiate this from a ⚕️Status which was never Impairing.