Skill Levels

🧰Skills have a number, their ‘level’ or ‘rating’, indicating how good the Character is at that 🧰Skill.

Level 0 : Neutral

The same as not having the 🧰Skill.

The Storyteller should define 0 as roughly the lowest level of capability, excluding anomalies like disabilities, for the Character-type which is considered 'default' for the Campaign, usually humans.

To represent lower capability than 0 (disabilities, inferior species, etc.), use 💠Specials.

Level 3 : Competent

This is considered ‘Employable’ where applicable.

Level 10 : Top

The highest expected level for the campaign’s main Characters.

The Storyteller determines how good 10 is, and should try to keep it consistent throughout a campaign.

It is possible to exceed 10 in Challenges, but very rare.


In practice, these levels refer to the difficulty of actions at which a Character is guaranteed to succeed.

For example, a 🧰Skill at level 5 means a relevant Challenge with a difficulty of 5 won’t fail (unless Blundered).
Therefore, it should be rare to have high-level Skills.