
💠Specials are notable things a Character can do which are not standard for the Campaign's assumed baseline default type.

For example, a humanoid can walk, but to teleport they must use a 💠Special.

Active and Passive Specials

💠Specials can be Active or Passive.

  • Active 💠Specials are used only when deliberately activated.
  • Passive 💠Specials automatically activate whenever they are applicable.

💠Specials which cost resources to use (such as Willpower) are always Active.

Sometimes a Character can choose whether to hold a 💠Special as Active or Passive.

If not known, always assume a 💠Special is Active.
Passives are rarer since they require more effort to remember whether they should trigger.

Detrimental Specials

💠Specials which have an undesirable effect usually:

  • Are Passive
  • Grant 🌱Growth

They are passive because they won't ever be voluntarilty triggered by the Player if it doesn't benefit them.

They grant 🌱Growth when obtained, meaning they increase the Current 🌱Growth, but not the Total 🌱Growth.

Template Specials

Some 💠Specials allow specifying extra details about them when they are acquired.

For example, a 💠Special which defines a personal passion would allow the Player to define what that passion is actually for.
The 💠Special could be called “Passion”, and the Player fills in “Cooking” when they acquire the 💠Special.
This 💠Special can be recorded as “Passion: Cooking”.

There are sometimes other necessary steps when a 💠Special is acquired before it can be used.
Sometimes these steps are done by the Player, sometimes by the Storyteller.


💠Specials cover what can otherwise be called ‘Traits’, ‘Powers’, ‘Abilities’, etc.

It should be assumed safe to use these words interchangeably, and so no 💠Special should actually be named one of these.